What are Hydro Plants?
Hydro Plants, Water Plants, Hydroponic Plants, Aqua Plants, all mean the same thing.....that is, growing plants in water - the latest low-maintenance indoor plant trend.
What it means though, is no messy soil, no repotting every few months and no need to worry about when you watered your plants last.
As an added bonus, hydroponic plants are also more allergy friendly and less likely to attract pests around the home.
How do Hydro plants survive in water?
Growing houseplants in water is a unique and effective method,
Though it might seem odd at first. You may be concerned about the roots drowning without soil.
However, plants grown in water develop special "water roots" that are specifically adapted to absorb oxygen and nutrients directly from the water.
Unlike soil roots, which can suffer from root rot if they become overly saturated, water roots are designed to thrive in a water-only environment. Soil roots rely on air pockets in the soil for oxygen, but water roots are built to handle oxygen intake from the water itself.
To keep your water-grown plants healthy and prevent issues, be sure to replenish, change, or top off the water in their container every 7-10 days.
This regular upkeep ensures the roots continue to receive the oxygen they need.
Are hydro plants easy to look after?
Yes very easy, all you need to do is change the water either weekly / fortnightly with room temperature rainwater (prefered) if not use town water, give the roots a gentle clean, keep the water level below the stem of the plant or rotting and a slow death will occur! Add some Hydro & Co plant food once a month and ensure the plant isn't placed in direct sunlight (needs to be a well lit / filtered light room). They will grow water roots after about 6 weeks and live happily in hyrdo.
I’ve heard that indoor plants can be really dangerous to pets?
Absolutely. Most indoor plants are considered toxic to pets if ingested. Generally a fair amount would need to be ingested to cause sickness or fatality. A little nibble may cause irritation, but unlikely to cause serious harm. We personally have chooks and a dog - neither of which interact with the plants (When our plants are outside or in the shed) in any way and chooks are very inquisitive!
As a general rule, the following plants are considered non toxic and safe to have around your pets; palms, ferns, calathea, spider plants, orchids, peperomia, ctenanthe
Can you hydro any plant?
The straight answer is no, unfortunately.
The main one's you can hydro are:
Peace Lily , Monstera, Anthurium, Philodendron, Pothos, Rubber plant, Syngonium, Sanseviera, Zanzibar Gem, Calathea, Ctenanthe, Stromanthe, Palms
I don't live in Horsham, what are my options?
That's okay, we actually post plants around Australia and yes they've arrived safe and healthy so it is an option.
I'm wanting to come and have a look at the range in person?
We unfortunately don't have a showroom (we operate from our home) to showcase all of our beautiful creations, but we do have stockists (See below) where you can see some of our beauties in person. We create your hydro plant to order, so what you see in our pictures are generally what you will receive (depending on the time of the year, some of our plants may not be in flower). We can deliver for free to your door in Horsham or you can arrange a time to pick up from us.
Help! My Peace Lily is looking very sad, can you please give me some tips on how to make it happier?
1. Light, does that plant have enough filtered light?
Filtered sunlight is direct sunlight that fills the room most of the day, but is filtered by curtains, blinds, an awning, or even trees right outside the window. You can also create filtered light by placing your plant further from the window.
2. Position, does the plant have an air conditioner or heat source / draft blowing directly on it? If so, it will need to be moved away from it.
3. Water level, ensure the water level is sitting below the crown (top of the roots). Too much water will rot the plant, causing it to slowly die. Also, especially during Winter and the colder months, when replacing your water, please make sure the water is luke warm - as cold water can send the plant into shock and it may die.
4. Fertilizer, too much or too little can cause your plant to look sad.
When was the last time you fertilized? If recently, stop, tip the water out and re-fill with only fresh water, re-introduce fertilizer in 2-3 months but only 1-2 drops max. If you need plant food or fertilizer, you can purchase some in our online store.
Should I purchase a Hydro Plant or cut flowers from a florist?
This is totally personal preference, however, cut flowers as a gift will only last a week or so, where as, with a similar spend you can have a plant that lasts a life time.
A Hydro plant is a perfect gift to send someone that has lost a loved one, or to say thank you as the hydro plant will continue to grow and be a reminder of that someone special. We also do stock a range of ceramic pots and plants in soil if that's what you would prefer.
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