Our Story

Hydro & Co was born out of a fascination and interest in indoor plants, gardening, the beauty of nature, mixed with style and design. At time in our lives that was filled with uncertainty, a new hobby formed which at the time helped create some excitement and new inspiration to think outside the square


Katherine & clint

Our journey began in 2020, Hydro & Co was created totally by accident to be honest.

In 2020 COVID-19 had struck, we were all in lock-down and Clint was stood down from his full-time job, he had some spare time on his hands. I brought home a plant which was a Peace Lily from the office to take care of, and he said to me, "I've seen these things called 'hydro plants' online and they look really cool,do you mind if I try creating one?"...........and the rest is history. We successfully made our first hydro plant and it looked great, we showed our family a photo and they asked if we could make one for them, so we did, they showed their friends and work colleagues and boom......Hydro & Co was born and blossomed to what it is today and we're still growing and learning new things everyday. We're not experts and we don't pretend to be - we're enthusiasts, but over the years and the hundreds and hundreds of hydro plants we've created we've learnt a lot along the way.



Respect. Sustainability. Authenticity. We believe deeply in all of these values, and they are part of everything we do - from the places where we source our plants, the way our plants are cleaned to the way we treat our customers. We are all in this together, and knowing that brings respect to everything we do.


They Love


Thanks for your excellent service. Your attention to detail and expertise are exceptional.

Kathleen R.

Customer feedback
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