Calatheas Insignis or Goeppertia insignis (syn. Calathea lancifolia, Goeppertia lancifolia) and commonly know as the Calathea Rattlesnake is a native of Brazil. It is an extremely popular houseplant collected for it’s incredible spotted folliage. It can also grow in light low conditions and is pet-friendly. Calatheas occassionally get a hard rap for being difficult but the Insignis is a relatively easy plant once the conditions are right so we hope you enjoy some tips to keep your Rattlesnake Calathea happy!
Once a month you can wipe down the plants leaves using a damp cloth to clean away any dust that has collected and may be preventing the leaves from breathing. It’s completely normal for older leaves, typically around the base of the plant, to fade in colour or brown off as they age. Prune off any damaged or dying leaves using a sharp pair of scissors or secateurs so that the plant can put more energy into the newer, healthier growth.
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